Why we love Women’s Fund of the Greater Cincinnati!

on November 10, 2023
Why we love Women’s Fund of the Greater Cincinnati!

We love non-profits that help women and children. But what we really love about our local Women’s Fund is that they are tackling gender equity and coming up with actionable strategies to make change.

Groundbreaking Research

The Women’s Fund is the region’s expert on the status of women’s economic self-sufficiency. Through producing over 20 primary reports and many secondary reports, the Women’s Fund has provided actionable insights and recommendations to inform policy and decision makers on barriers for women in our region. The Fund’s most recent reports centered the powerful ways discrimination by race and gender contribute to economic barriers and opportunity. A multi-phased research report on Black women’s economic mobility illuminated the ways in which the economic systems can actively deter Black women from economic prosperity.


Policy Advocacy

All advocacy efforts advanced by the Women’s Fund are non-partisan, grounded in evidence and data, conducted with respect and civility for all and advance the cause of women’s economic self-sufficiency. The advocacy issues the Women’s Fund centers are critical to the advancement of economic mobility for women in the Greater Cincinnati region and informed by community voice. The Women’s Fund 2022 policy advocacy priorities are the Cliff Effect and Public Benefits Reform; Affordable, Accessible Child Care and Paid Leave; Ensuring a Living Wage by Reducing Occupational Segregation and Increasing the Minimum Wage; Pay Equity; and, Applying a Gender and Racial Lens on Public Policy.

“The Women’s Fund is grateful to soHza sister for their partnership and support of this important work. SoHza sisters is pioneering how entrepreneurs in our community can authentically support nonprofit organizations and live an impactful mission. In the month of April shoppers can support the Women’s Fund with their purchases at the soHza sisters fair trade boutique in downtown charming Covington, KY.”

The Women’s Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation was founded over 25 years ago to improve the status of women in the Greater Cincinnati area. Since then, the Women’s Fund has produced groundbreaking research and shaped policy advocacy to move the needle for gender equity in the region.

Why Women?

Women are disproportionately affected by poverty, as they tend to hold jobs in low-paying sectors and bear greater responsibility for caregiving in their family. In our region, nearly 18% of women are living in poverty and 69% of the children in poverty reside in a single female-headed household. The Federal Poverty Level is not a true representation of who is struggling financially as families continue to be economically vulnerable until they reach self-sufficiency levels (generally 200%-250% of the Federal Poverty Level) or more. We believe, and research shows, by improving the circumstances for women, the entire community will benefit.